12th Annual GBTQ Men's Shamanic Retreat

With Jay Thomas

October 4 - 6, 2019

Location: Easton Mountain Retreat Center

Contact: Jay Thomas

Core Shamanism: If you do not have basic understanding and/or experience with modern shamanic practice at this time, we welcome you to attend a future Introduction to Shamanism workshop at Easton Mountain. To study and learn about shamanism as a personal spiritual practice, we recommend the following highly-regarded Core shamanism resources for classes, training, and drum circles: Sandra Ingerman's Teachers  and Michael Harner’s Foundation for Shamanic Studies (FSS)

Self Assesment: During registration, you will be asked to complete a self assessment questionnaire, which helps us understand your experience level. We appreciate an honest self-assessment of your knowledge and skills to attend this retreat. For men newer to shamanic practice and who have not had formal training per se, we request your participation in the 2-hour Journey Skills Review Workshop, offered on Saturday morning of the retreat. Should you have any questions, feel free to contact the facilitator..Should we determine that the Introductory weekend is a better fit, you'll be issued a full refund.

  • Commuter – $295.00
  • Garden Cabin – $395.00
  • Quad – $495.00
  • Semi-Private – $595.00

Heeding the Wisdom of the Elders

Connect. Deepen. Share.

Gather in community with other men – gay, bi, and queer – to broaden, deepen and share your shamanic practice. Inspired by the strength and wisdom of the masculine and feminine energies that have shaped our life journeys, we’ll look to the spirits of our elders, our mentors, and our families (of origin and of choice) for guidance, those who taught us and came before us—including our fathers, grandfathers, mothers, grandmothers, and our ancestral lines.  Together, we’ll discover shamanic pathways to use with our healing practices for connecting with Spirit, in service to ourselves, others, our communities, and the land we share.
tony h ceremony

Activities include: Solo and Partner Journeys, Dancing our Power Animals, Co-created Fire Ceremony, Community Healing Session, Ancestral Tribute, Nature Spirit Bonding, Evoking Power Songs, and Journey Skills Review (for men newer to shamanic practice). Join us for a weekend of shared learning and healing activities with beginner, intermediate, and advanced practitioners.  We welcome men from all shamanic traditions. It is important to have an understanding of Core* shamanism practices and the associated journey skills which we will use as the structure for making spirit contacts.  As such, we appreciate an honest self-assessment of your knowledge and skills to attend this retreat.

The programming in this retreat is designed to provide an immersive experience in modern shamanic practices and does *NOT* involve erotic themes or sensual touch.

Join us as we drum, journey, explore and celebrate our healing shamanic pathways. Relax. Retreat. Allow. Learn. Discover. Share. Connect.

tony tribute

"Shaman" by Anry Nemo".Testimonials from the past Gay Men’s Shamanic Retreats

  • “I learned a lot of new things, some of which are new phrases, ideas, or connections I’ve never thought about before. Journeys I’ve never done before.  So thanks again, I really feel like my shamanic practice has moved to a higher level”   – 2007 Retreat
  •  “Over the course of the weekend each of you men said things that rang the gong of my soul, whether you knew it or not.  Thank you for being that conduit of Spirit” 2007 Retreat
  •  “Last weekend was AMAZING, I’m still tingling from it”  – 2009 Retreat
  • “My heart opened up to receive so much love in this retreat we both came home with such beautiful memories” – 2010 Retreat
  •  “I’m still shining all over from the medicine, guidance, and caring connection we all shared at Easton. Thank you so much brothers” – 2015 Retreat
  • “Shamanism returns power to the individual, and yet connects the individual to nature, the mysteries of the universe, and our tribe. The practice loses something without community. This weekend provides that re-connection. Tony and Jay are highly experienced and are excellent facilitators. They are true teachers” – Ray R – 2016 Retreat
  • “The experience was truly amazing and I look forward to next year and will definitely tell others” – James S – 2016 Retreat 

 Articles from Easton’s Blog detailing the history of the prior 10 years of retreats:Why Shamanism Now?

About the Facilitator

Jay Thomas

Jay Thomas is an eclectic shamanic practitioner, humbly honoring sacred traditions of all ancestors.  Jay uses both ancient and modern techniques to walk between the worlds and return with wisdom for use in problem-solving, self-discovery, personal growth, and healing. In his practice, Jay connects with alchemical energies [fire, water, earth and air], the rhythms and voices of […]

Learn more about Jay Thomas

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