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Shane Scott.


*Self-care & Self-love* – We will discuss what it means to be truly love and take care of ourselves. This will be an opportunity to self-reflect and learn ways to take better care of ourselves, so that we can be a great partner in our relationships. We will discuss the elements of self-care (Psychological, emotional, physical, environment, and mental) and how it’s more than just manicures and vacations. We will discuss how to show up for ourselves and how to take better care of our mind, body, and spirit.

*Embracing Fear* – We all are familiar with fear. It often creeps in when least expected. It can be constricting and at times ruthless. This workshop will begin the process of examining fear on a deeper level and how to combat it. We will discuss how it has impacted our lives and how we can recognize and embrace fear. Fear can be a powerful creature. This will be an interactive and lively workshop that will give you the space and support to discuss how to use fear in our journey to be our authentic selves.

ABOUT SHANE: Shane is a licensed therapist, facilitator, keynote speaker and coach. Shane’s primary focus is to help men who are struggling with their gender, sexual orientation, and ability to be their authentic selves. Shane has a coaching and therapy practice in Connecticut and facilitates personal growth workshops for gay men throughout the new England region professionals throughout the East Coast. Shane is recognized for his ability to connect with others in a way that allows folks to begin to explore vulnerability in order to begin the process of healing the emotional scars we all carry throughout our lives.

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